What are the benefits to moving in the winter? When ice is covering the roads, the wind chill feels like an assault on your senses, and stepping outside requires strategic layers of arctic inspired gear – moving might understandably seem like possibly the worst idea of all time. However, there are most definitely some unexpected and hidden upsides to getting into your new place while it is seasonably frosty. Are you searching far and wide for your glass half full, winter move motivation? Look no further! Check out our top reasons to both be grateful, and get pumped up about relocating while the snow is falling.

Money Talks

Whether you are selling, buying, or renting – moving is expensive. Chances are that the money you are spending falls far outside of your regular month to month budget, and at times can feel like the individual costs are adding up exponentially. One of the most considerable pros to completing your new home relocation in the wintertime, is the opportunity to substantially save yourself some money. Statistically, you are more likely to be able to find a great deal, or at least negotiate yourself one, in the rental housing market between the months of December and March. In this regard, purchasing a home during the winter is no different. Following a similar trend, there is a much stronger likelihood that you will be able to secure additional savings when hiring a moving professional, amid typically ‘off season’ months. The positive, potentially lower financial impact, of moving in the winter is a huge benefit.

A More Flexible Schedule

The subsequent plus to slower activity in the winter for the rental, buying and overall domestic moving markets, is that professional moving companies tend to also be slightly less busy throughout this time. This in turn means that you can presumably secure a date and time to move that perfectly suits your needs, instead of being forced to take whatever is left available. Of the 40 million people that move annually in the United States, it is estimated that 80% of them do so between the months of April and September (via www.movinglabor.com). With organization and preparation, you of course can secure expert help in the summer. Nevertheless, you are certainly more likely to have an easier time, with a more flexible schedule, when hiring a moving company in the winter.

Take Your Time Unpacking

Because the roller coaster that is 2020 just keeps on coming, there is little to no chance the vacation you missed last summer will be made up anytime soon. A small silver lining? If you are planning to move during the next few months, you are surely going to have more time inside to get unpacked and settled in! Yes, on paper it looks significantly like less fun; winter generally isn’t the time for BBQ’s, camping, or road trips. But, come summer, instead of having to say no to enjoying anything outdoors (because you’re too busy breaking down boxes), you will already be months into getting your house to a perfectly lived in, comfortable aesthetic. Having the quiet, cozy time to help transform a new house into your new home, is a definite, underrated outcome to moving in the winter.

Black Friday Furnishing

Possibly the most surprising perk of a wintertime move is the upcoming season’s mega sales all across the shopping board. What might particularly land well for your new abode, are all of the large electronics, beds, and other household furniture items notoriously marked down for what is known as ‘Black Friday.’ End of the year discounts could actually mean savings tenfold for you! Moving into your new place with less stuff, in the hopes of furnishing your new home come sale day, means a smaller, final bill from your professional team. So grab that new big television that you have had your eye on for months – chances are it will never be as cheap at any other time of the year, than it is in late November.

It is completely normal if you are feeling anxious or apprehensive about the possibility of moving in the wintertime. Stereotypically and historically, this time of year has received a bad reputation for doing many things, outside of celebrating and focusing on the holidays. In reality, a move will always be exactly what you make of it, and hopefully, always a little smoother, safer, more efficient and better overall if you hire an awesome team to lead you. Shortly put; moving in the winter can be easier, less busy and cheaper. What’s not to love?!

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