Moving Tips
Without the proper moving tips and packing tips are you really prepared for you move? Between packing, traveling, loading, and unpacking, moving can be a highly stressful experience. That is, if you don’t have a savvy moving crew on your side! Years of experience in the moving industry has allowed Sparta Movers to impart helpful knowledge onto our customers, making their moves as easy and efficient as possible. Follow our professional moving tips to make sure it all goes smoothly.
Cleaning out closets, cupboards, shelves, and all other storage areas in your home will help you get an overview of your belongings and cut down on what you’ll be transporting. Discard all unwanted or unnecessary items. We find that most items unused in the past two years aren’t essentials. This is a great opportunity to have a garage sale, or to gift items to family, friends and charities. Donations can earn you tax deductions, and you can earn a nice profit from a garage sale, which can help pay for your moving costs.
Collect any and all advance and security deposits on your current rentals and utilities. This will further relieve your tight moving budget
Decide if you should ship your appliances and old furniture. It is wise to consider their age and how well they will match the aesthetics and fit in with the space of your new home. Also, verify if your old appliances are compatible with the systems in your new abode. (For example, don’t bother to bring a gas stove into a home equipped only for electric appliances).
Make your own inventory of all items that must be moved. Also, decide what plants will be moved and which must be disposed of.
Use up your current food stores and don’t buy too many new groceries. Perishable and frozen foods cannot be transported safely. If you have some food left on the day of your move, either dispose of it, or bring it in a cooler in your car.

Notify all of your service providers of your moving date. This includes utility, lawn care, security, and any other companies providing services directly to your home.
Submit a change of address notice to the post office, publications which you subscribe to, and all others you receive mail from.
Notify your homeowner’s insurance company of your move and renew the policy for your new home. Check in upon arrival.
Inquire about the status of all club memberships, checking if advance payments can be reimbursed, or your membership can be transferred to a loved one.
Look into the credential of your new neighbourhood’s schools. Visit them and once you’ve chosen one, register your children. Notify their old school to transfer your children’s records.
Schedule your moving date with Sparta Movers and plan for all necessary activities during the move.
Confirm your moving date and the discontinuation of services with your utility and other service providers, as well as your realtor or landlord. Arrange for utility services to be activated at your new home on the day of your expected arrival.
Redirect deliveries to your new home.
Don’t forget to retrieve belongings from storage lockers at your local gym, club, or school.
Obtain recommendations and referrals from your doctor and friends for a new doctor in your destination area. Have medical records transferred and be sure to pick up your prescriptions.
If necessary, relocate all valuables stored in a safety deposit box to one in your new neighbourhood bank. Transport them yourself, or send them through insured and certified mail.
DO NOT SHIP hazardous items. These include combustible or flammable materials, such as oil-base paint, bleach, cleaning and lighter fluids, matches, ammunition, and aerosol cans.

Document all of your moving expenses and keep receipts. In Canada, the Canadian Revenue Agency may allow for you to file these expenses on your income tax forms. Click here for more information.
Don’t forget to drain fuels and oils from machinery such as lawn mowers, chain saws, etc. Shipping cars, motorcycles, and other vehicles requires that they have only a quarter of a tank of gas.
Be prepared by putting together a “safety box” that is to be loaded last and unloaded first. This box should include necessities from your kitchen, bathroom, medicine cabinet, and first-aid kit. Include a practical set of tools for any installations that must be made upon arrival.
Help your children get motivated for the move while preparing them by having them pack a “treasure box” with their favourite toys, games, and snacks to keep nearby during the trip.
Fully defrost and clean your refrigerator and freezer. You’ll need at least one day for defrosting.
Ensure the safety of the moving crew and your family by removing all snow and ice from the driveways, walkways, and steps.
Store your bed linens and pillows in dresser drawers and be sure to have them accessible for your first night at the new home. Hang your draperies lengthwise on hangers in the closet, and have your movers place them in wardrobe boxes.