On top of everything else there is to consider; how do I make moving day fun for my kids? Big changes are tough for all of us, especially little kiddos! Even if you have not or can not explain all of the nitty gritty details, your children will pick up on the energy shift happening all around them. They always seem to be more observant than we give them credit for! And of course, if nothing else, they will definitely start to notice when you begin to pack up all of their belongings. In the midst of searching for the perfect professional moving team to hire, planning out your day and keeping everything organized and in order – children and their emotions should absolutely be considered too. Whether or not this is a super exciting, positive move, it is a change from routine, comfort and what they know. Handling that with a little extra care will always go a long way. Check out these low budget, simple tips and tricks to help make moving day more healthy, happy and comfortable for the littlest members of your family.

Can I Get My Kids Involved In Packing?

Packing might seem like a tedious, boring and downright unenjoyable task ahead of moving day (okay sometimes it is) – but working to get your kids involved in this process can actually help them become excited about the journey to come. Having the ability to take part in this way allows them to have some ownership, and be hands on in a big moment in their lives. If they are too young to be of real help in this regard and would only make the job more stressful and labour intensive for you, that is okay too. Ultimately working towards making this experience more enjoyable for everyone in your family, including you, should always be the overall goal. Something even the toddlers can participate in? Sorting through what to keep and what to donate! Not only is this incredibly helpful in sifting through what you really do not need or use any longer, but it can help teach your kids the importance of giving and sharing. Having them pick a select few toys they feel like they can part with, can not only make the kids a part of the process, but hopefully make room/excitement for some new toys in the new house. Anytime a task can be transformed into a game of sorts, you will be helping to make moving day fun for your kids.

Get The Team Super Excited For Their New Home!

If your situation allows, having your children come and see their new home before you actually move into it can be a very positive and memorable experience. Being able to see where they will be living and building new memories allows for excitement and the idea of possibilities to build. Have them run around the empty house, discover all of its rooms and areas and potential. If this is not possible, you can also show them the online listing and go through all of the photos together. Just like when adults are feeling something out for comfort and security, kids want to see, smell, touch and feel. It is simply human nature. A quiet tour like this can also help to keep feelings and energy around moving day positive. On the actual day, you are going to be busy and the tensions, even in a well organized execution, always have the ability to be high. A moment to walk through your new home ahead of time, no movers or boxes or noise anywhere to be found, can work to bring a sense of peace about the entire process. Moving day will be fun for your kids if they are able to see it as a happy event.

Let Your Kids Help Design Their New Rooms

Perhaps your children were sharing a room and now will have the awesome privilege of getting their own, private and personal space. For a kid, this is epic! It is even better when accompanied with the knowledge that they are going to be able to make the space their very own. Leading up to moving day this can be a fantastic activity for you and your children to bond over and help create an adventure around moving. Grab some paper and crayons and have your children draw and map out what their absolute dream bedroom would look like. If they are also going to have a playroom in your new home, they can collaborate together to plan out what they would like that room to look like as well. This helps to give them a sense of autonomy and supports them in realizing that although they are leaving one house behind, the future can be full of cheerful new experiences. An additional fantastic group exercise can be hunting down previously loved pieces of art and furniture to bring these room sketches to life. Although we suggest holding off until you are settled into your new home (the less to move, the better), repurposing second hand furniture and decor can do wonders for your budget and be the perfect action to help your kids get psyched about the upcoming move.

Brainstorm A New Special Tradition

Leaving a home behind can be an emotional experience for every member of your family. If this was the place you brought your babies home to, if it is the only home they have ever known, unexpected (and big) feelings can arise when the time comes to move on. This is a wonderful opportunity however, to teach your children that a house is just that, and the memories you make together within its walls are what actually make it a home. So, after giving love and acknowledgement to what your previous home has helped you create – ask your kids what new and awesome traditions you can build in your new home! Let them know that this is something you can not do without them. Is there something your previous space was too small or the wrong size for? Do you maybe now have a driveway you can play basketball in or live closer to a park than ever before? What is fun and fresh to discover about your new neighbourhood? Ask your children if there is an adventure they have always wanted to go on and see if you can incorporate your new home into those dreams for them. Your kids will know when you are working to genuinely have them be a part of the process, and subsequently moving will be a lot more fun for them.

Plan A Welcome Home Party!

So, your kiddo is not into packing or planning out their new bedroom and has basically given you non stop grief or seems totally disinterested in the big move altogether? Do not be disheartened! If the actual act of moving does not seem appealing to your littles whatsoever, maybe throwing a party after the fact will! In Covid times this can of course seem daunting, but even if it is just your immediate family, making a special occasion out of it can help create memories and a positive impression that last a lifetime. Ask your kids if there is a special theme they would like to go with to help celebrate this momentous event for your family. Do they have a favourite party food that could make the day even more fun? You could even get really extra and plan a drive by open house, inspired by all of the drive by birthday parades that we have seen in 2020. Set the date for your ‘Welcome Home’ party soon after moving in and use it as inspiration to get all unpacked and settled in as quickly as possible. Even if it is small, it can still be filled with happiness. Marking the event with a celebration can go a long way in making moving fun for your kids.

Moving into a new home is overwhelming, and that does not necessarily mean in a bad way. It is just a lot. It is considerably outside of your normal, day to day life and consists of anticipation, stress, the unknown, hard work, etc. Be easy with yourself and remember to give things time. Chances are, nothing rushed is going to help bring you or your family peace. Although we do not always have the luxury of months of warning ahead of a move, where you can plan, do. Your children will see you making these efforts (whether they acknowledge or appreciate it is another story, do not take this personally) and your actions will set the framework for how they handle the whole experience too. When all else fails, ordering in some pizza for a cozy movie night will never be a bad thing to help ring in a new space. If you start from there and stay positive, things should work out okay.

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