


How do I keep my move super simple? Moving and the month of December are notoriously busy and stressful individually; throw them together with the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and you have a sure fire recipe for raised blood pressure. Alas, it does not have to be this way! Commit to finding (and keeping) your peace on this particular relocation journey. In search of a starting off point? We keep it extremely streamlined and basic in our guide below!

Make A Checklist

This might seem to go without saying, or be even too simple for the simplified ‘How To’ guide. False! Gathering your thoughts, goals, and needs into one place, editing and trimming out what you do and do not need, is the absolute best place to start. In a 2018 Forbes article about neuroscience related to the significance of writing things down and achieving your goals; author Mark Murphy writes: “Writing things down doesn’t just help you remember, it makes your mind more efficient by helping you focus on the truly important stuff. And your goals absolutely should qualify as truly important stuff.” Mark down exactly what you want and need to get done to hit smooth sailing come moving day. Take advice from friends, but try not to compare. This is going to look and feel different for everyone. Organizing and listing your priorities and duties, and celebrating marking each one completed as you inch closer to the day, will powerfully help set the tone for an uncomplicated move.

Invest In A Professional Moving Company

There are many moments in life where it is appropriate to seriously weigh the positive and negative implications of spending money. Especially your hard earned money, on something that is not within your regular budget. With that said, if you are truly looking to eliminate the vast majority of both literal and figurative weight from your upcoming moving day – bite the bullet and book the movers. During the winter season, you may be able to find deals or lowered rates, but even if you are not, the right movers will still be worth it and then some. With gathering restrictions and pandemic pandemonium, this is most certainly not going to be the move where you rally together multiple friends and different family members. Even if things were back to ‘normal’, wrangling a mix of what are most likely bribed volunteers, and having to run point on the entire event yourself, is overwhelming to say the least. Hiring an expert team of tried, tested, and true professionals alleviates all of that and then some. Keep your move streamlined by placing it in the hands of the qualified pros. “I wish I had struggled to pack my car myself, and taken several more trips back and forth, prolonging this day and moving as much as possible.” Said no one, ever.

The Purge

When you have less stuff, you need to move less stuff. It is just that simple. If you have been looking for a sign or permission to Marie Kondo your life – this is it! While going through items and deciding what to keep, donate, or throw out will of course take up a portion of your time, it will also come back to you tenfold. At first glance, it might seem easier to just shift boxes and piles from your current basement and garage into storage areas at your new house. There is a metaphoric weight that comes with this however, and in the spirit of finding and keeping your peace during this move, it is time to release it. Pro Tip: if you are planning to shed a lot of belongings, make sure to give yourself more than enough time for the task. It can be surprisingly emotional, and we tend to (okay we always do) have much more than we realize! Size your move down and freshen it up by freeing yourself of both actual and emotional baggage.

Give Pets And Kids The Day Off

There is a time and a place to get the entire family involved in challenging, yet rewarding jobs. If you want to keep it all business, and run a moderately chaotic free operation – moving day might not be this job. With your professional movers secured, and a finely tuned game plan developed between you, plan ahead to have your children and animals thoroughly occupied on the day of. While varying COVID-19 restrictions make this more difficult in some areas over others, where there is a will there is a way. Note if circumstances do not allow for your kids to be at another safe location, and prepare accordingly. This means, have wifi set up in your new place ahead of moving day! And if possible, arrange with your provider to hold off disconnecting your current services, until you have left the premises. Strategize for meals, snacks and drinks. Keep a few large garbage bags on standby as well as a package of paper plates and plastic cutlery. For your furry friends, research into your local Doggy Daycares and see what they offer in regards to facilities and day rates. Loud noises, strangers in your home, and their comfort places being moved/rearranged can all be very stressful for animals. Taking the extra time and care to ensure they and your children are happy and comfortable will be a great weight off your shoulders and work wonders to keep your move effortless.

Unfortunately, you will most likely be unable to avoid the truth that moving from one home to another is completely out of your regular, day to day activity. We are creatures of habit, and even the most relaxed of us can find these changes challenging and uncomfortable. However, like any other situation in life, the only thing we can truly control is our attitude and approach. Take care to recognize and honour the immense stress of the event, and then move forward anyway! With some time set aside to strategize and plan what you can do to make the day as simple as possible, you are giving to your future self. Unexpected things will inevitably pop up, and with determination, you will survive it all. Happy moving!

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