How do I decorate my new house for fall? Just when you feel like the summer heat is beginning to be unbearable, and you run through yet another can of sunscreen at the speed of light, out of nowhere a colder breeze picks up and a change of seasons is unmistakably on the way. If you have recently moved into your new home, this is an exciting opportunity to explore your space while getting festive and decorating for the upcoming holidays! Keep in mind, there is no pressure or competition here. Rome was not built in a day, and HGTV/Martha Stewart worthy displays do not come together without a lot of practice. Having fun with your new home should be just that, fun! Although the end of summertime can mean a return of packed schedules, back to school stress, and layering on piles of clothing – it does not need to be all doom and gloom. Check out these easy tips to welcome a new decorating activity with confidence and positivity. Soon, that quickly approaching briskness in the air (along with the subtle scent of pumpkin spice everything) will have you inspired.
Get An Early Start
The biggest part of getting the most out of your fall decorating experience is giving yourself enough time. If you are too busy rushing and stressing, there will be no time left for enjoying the process. Not unlike moving and getting settled into a new home in general, you really do not want to leave the bulk of your work until the very last second. This applies particularly during an ongoing pandemic, when mail services have been slowed down, if not shut down altogether. This means, if you are wanting to order things from an online maker market like Etsy, expect shipping turnaround times to be significantly longer. It could be potentially quite anti-climatic to order items you are looking forward to using, only to have them arrive after the fact! The weather plays a factor here too. When the frost hits, anything hanging from or attached to your roof is going to be that much harder to install. Allowing yourself a relaxed grace period to prepare, will help tremendously when decorating your new home for the fall.
Pick A Focal Point And Start Small
If you are feeling inspired to decorate your entire home from top to bottom, let the spirit move you. However, a room or two in, you may discover that you have bitten off more than you can chew. To avoid this disappointment or sense of not finishing how you would have liked to, keep things small when you are starting off. Pick a neutral, easily accessed section of the house (you may want to go in and do some adjusting as you go) and go from there. We suggest steering clear of high traffic areas, where things could easily be knocked over, but also dangerous, hard to reach areas. Decorating for fall is not worth risking an injury every time you go to move a pumpkin. The perfect jumping off point could be your front entranceway. It is most likely viewable from the street, will have some room for you to play with, but because it is outside – you can take some chances and try things that might not pair well with central heating. Festive curb appeal is an awesome way to add seasonal style to your new home.
Pinterest Can Be Your Best Inspiration
Save some money and some trees and hold off from stockpiling design magazines! Pinterest is by far your greatest online resource when you are first starting out. Most importantly, it is free! Search for inspiration, create boards, and find crafty (also easy) DIY projects that will save you from dropping a small investment at your local decor store. There are stunning pictures in this digital library that will have you bursting at the seams with ideas for your new home, but also great money saving tips on how to score a gorgeous look, without the designer price tag. For instance, late August and early September are usually when you will begin to see basic fall decorations line the shelves of your neighborhood dollar stores. The only problem is, you may understandably feel like the colour scheme is tired and a bit too in for your face for the vibe you were seeking. Enter in, savvy decor hack guides that will make your outdoor entrance way the toast of your street. If you are wanting to splurge on an expensive decor item, try to work with neutral, less trendy tones and styles that you will easily be able to reuse year after year. Seeking out pictures and blogs filled with tried, tested, and true tips is a great way to establish exactly what kind of special look you want for your new home this fall.
Be Prepared To Replace Real Pumpkins
While we certainly maintain that starting early and giving yourself time to plan, order, decorate and execute your domestic fall dreams is best – you may want to hold off on the real pumpkins. Corn mazes and pumpkin patches will be open to the public before we know it, but it is a strong squash that can last from early September through to both Thanksgiving and Halloween. If you are living in a temperate climate, you may be the exception to this. However, if your upcoming forecasts could easily be warm on some days, very cold on others, with a wild mix of other weather in between, your real pumpkins will definitely struggle staying fresh. You of course could resign yourself to buying a few rounds of them, but recent years have seen pumpkin shortages come October 31. All is not lost for your new house’s fall decor scheme, and you do not have to resort to having plastic pumpkins only – follow these home preservation tips from Woman’s Day magazine!
#1 – Clean Your Pumpkin
Get those guts out of there as soon as possible. Anything that is already mushy is not going to help your live decor stay solid.
#2 – Bleach Bath
Send your beautiful squash diving into a bucket of water with ? cup of bleach. Sounds intense, but 24 hours later and it will be ready to thrive all season long.
#3 – Shock It With Ice
If things are starting to look a little worse for the wear, a splash in an ice bath can revive your pumpkins.
#4 – Just Say No To Carving
Although this is an especially Halloween related activity, try to resist the temptation to carve into your pumpkins if you are wanting them to stick around for the long haul. Painting is a beautiful option that will not disrupt their longevity potential.
#5 – No Overnight Freezing
If you feel a frost or even worse, snow, coming on – pull your pumpkins inside. Taking these extra steps can help you get the most out of your decor, but nothing will come in great shape after being frozen solid and then thawing out, only to be frozen again.
Just like when you were preparing to pack up your home, and separating belongings into ‘Keep, Donate, Throw Out’ piles – you will discover with decor, that less is more. Pick your spot and go easy on yourself. Winter holidays are right around the corner, and the last thing you need to do to yourself, is pile up the new basement and/or garage with an overabundance of decorations. Pick a theme, find your inspiration, keep a workable budget, and embrace the idea of learning as you go! And when all else fails, remember that this is your home. If you like the finished project, and had fun putting it together, that is all that matters. Happy almost fall!