If you do not know how to safely boxed up your valuables then you should be hiring movers to pack for you! After searching far and wide, viewing multiple listings, applying, and awaiting approval – getting into a new space can exhaust you before the first flattened cardboard box gets popped open to life. When you have found a new home, you have found a fresh start; so much to hope for and get excited about! However, all of the positive feelings associated with relocation can quickly be dashed, when the realization of the immense workload ahead sets in. Getting all of your belongings from point A to point B seems simple enough in theory, but quite literally registers as one of the top ten most stressful things we can experience in a lifetime. Like any seemingly impossible task, your best success will come from preparation and planning! If you have already taken care of the most important step and hired your movers, now is the time to think about having them professionally pack for you too.
Here are the top five reasons to invest in the experts, and have one of the biggest tasks involved with moving, taken off of your plate.
1 – Time Is Money
It is estimated that without help, packing a three bedroom home takes the average person approximately three to five days (see full list below). The better part of a week already spent, before a single box is loaded onto a truck. Only to then immediately turn around, sort it out in your new place and unpack it all. Yikes. And it gets worse. During that time, nothing else in your life stops. Your kids are going to need to eat (you probably will too), the dog still needs to be walked and the office might not take kindly to you not showing up for days on end. And although there is no shame in it, (because we all tell ourselves the same thing) you almost always have way more stuff than you think you do. Your packers are going to take all of this headache away, and in about half the time or less. Room by room, your life will be bubble wrapped and stored, while you can focus on everything else. Time to research your new neighbourhood, time to schedule your utilities and wifi being redirected, and your mail getting forwarded. Time, period. You won’t just want it, you will need it.
- 1-2 days to pack a typical studio or one-bedroom apartment/house
- 2-3 days to pack a two-bedroom apartment/house
- 3-5 days to pack a three-bedroom house
- 4-6 days to pack a four-bedroom house
- a full week to pack a five-bedroom house
2 – Efficiency Today, Peace Tomorrow
When you bring a professional packer into the mix, you can thankfully say goodbye to panic packing; the urban legend of the craziness that sets in when you finally have to box up the room you left until the last minute. Think speedily filling a suitcase that will then barely close, a la several classic cartoon scenes. Panic packing is rushed, leads to disorganization, forgetting to label (an unpacking nightmare), and ultimately haphazardly throwing things together. To add salt to the wound, going this route also means you will likely use more boxes than necessary; adding more cost to an already expensive situation. Go the route of efficiency. Pro packing teams layer, stack, and fit household items together for a living – every, single day. Like bagging groceries on steroids, enlisting the specialists will see more things perfectly placed than you could possibly imagine. Every square inch of usable space will be optimally maximized. Does this make unpacking any more fun? Unfortunately, no. Professional movers and packers aren’t miracle workers. But removing neatly stored away items, in clearly labeled and organized packaging, instead of sorting through a disastrous mess, can sure take the edge off.
3 – Safety First!
The physical demands of preparing the contents of your home for a move, even if it’s just to a new house a few blocks away, are actually quite substantial. Outsourcing the responsibility of packing frees you from endless hours of bending over, the up and down, the heavy lifting, kneeling and beating up your knees, countless back and forths on the stairs, etc. The potential risks on the injury list could go on and on. Even if you go the solo route and make it out without a scratch, the physical, mental and emotional exhaustion will eventually hit. As a whole, leaving one home behind to make a new one somewhere else, can wear you out. Moving is understandably something that is difficult to become really proficient at, when you only do it once every few years. Knowing exactly how to stay safe and healthy so that you can thrive throughout the relocation process is tough. Hiring your movers to take on the extra responsibility of packing all of your belongings could start out by you just wanting to be pragmatic, but will end up being a gift you give to yourself. Is it an added expense, absolutely. However, once you pay for physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage and more to deal with your long standing moving injury, will you have saved any money? Probably not. An added bonus? You will not be shimmying around your house and a maze of stacked up boxes in the days and weeks leading up to your move. And along with you staying safe, having your things professionally packed will keep them secure too. We’ve all felt the dismay upon ripping open a box, only to find broken picture frames inside. Completely avoidable!
#4 – The Materials Are Covered
If you are moving an entire home, you will need a lot of boxes, and they come in every size and shape under the sun. A lot of tape. Packing paper, and bubble wrap. Is what you have been looking at industry standard? Is what you are buying going to be enough? If you go overboard and get too much, is the store you are purchasing from going to let you make returns? If you invested in an assorted moving box package, some of them won’t. Before you psych yourself out, or load up your trunk with a mishmash of items, (among the million other tasks you are trying to take care of ahead of moving day) stop and reassess. Your packing professionals will provide everything you need and more without you having to even think about it. So when your belongings are being stored away for your new home, not only will it be done efficiently for space, but more importantly, will be completed safely by seasoned professionals. Your movers and packers are trained and experienced, and have a seriously vested interest in making sure your stuff stays in great shape throughout the entire process. Micro foam, plastic shrink wrap, moving pads/blankets, and even custom wood crating can be made available to you too. Wanting to bring extra large items and/or household appliances with you? That can be arranged. This makes for even more secure transport and a seamless transition into your new home. No boring shopping, no awkwardly attempting to walk out to your car while carrying multiple flattened large boxes (every human struggles with this task). Best of all, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that everything that made your house a home has been properly packed, with professional grade materials. Safety and having someone else do the work = win, win. Not comfortable with the price tag attached to having your entire house packed? Book one or two rooms just to ease your workload a little bit. Treat yourself and then thank yourself come moving day, week, month – you get the point.
#5 – Eliminate Stress
Even though you may be genuinely thrilled about and truly looking forward to your upcoming, big move, other emotions will inevitably come bubbling to the surface, because simply put: Moving. Is. Stressful. The biggest reasons? Even positive change is never easy, and feeling overpowered by the reality of the overall costs involved, from beginning to end, can be a lot to handle. If you add the sheer amount of time that being properly prepared consumes, the handling of moving completely solo seems to become more and more of a never ending nightmare. There is a reason uttering the phrase ‘We’re never moving again’ has become famous last words for many. Calling on skilled, qualified and confident veterans of the craft is going to save you worry, help shift a huge chunk of responsibility, clear your schedule and ease an otherwise decidedly trying experience. This is not an exaggeration; moving is ranked amongst losing a loved one, divorce and unexpected job loss as one the most stressful things you will ever do. Passing the torch onto your movers and packers will significantly mitigate this.
Moving is common and therefore can be underestimated in what it will ask of you. You aren’t going to the moon, but you are taking on something substantially out of your normal day to day routine that no matter how you shake it, will take a serious dip into your mental, physical, and emotional energy – not to mention your time, money, and patience too. By making the effort to properly map out who will be doing what, in the days and weeks leading up to moving day; you can literally flip the entire experience and make it as positive as possible. Arrive in your new home and your new life, right – with a fresh and relaxed mind. How sweet it will be to know that in the midst of chaos, your possessions, treasures and necessities were professionally and safely taken care of by hired experts, so you didn’t have to worry about a thing!