Moving can bring on a rollercoaster of emotions, with so many moving parts it’s sure to bring some unwanted stress into your life. We have created an easy-to follow guide with 5 tips for moving that will set your move up to be stress-free!
One of the most important tips for moving with as little hassle as possible is timing the move correctly. Some things to keep in mind when determining the time of your move are:
- First and foremost, be honest with yourself. If you struggle with waking up early, don’t book your move for 7am. Book a time when you know that you will have the most energy possible.
- Find out what times of the day have most traffic around the locations where you will be moving, try your best to avoid those times for your move. A quicker commute means that the moving process will be much smoother and stress-free.
- Consider the quiet hours of the building that you are moving into or time restrictions on moving.
- Allow time for changes and mistakes. Every little thing will be packed, moved and unpacked which is a recipe for confusion and misplacement. The more time you leave for potential mishaps, the less rushing and stress there will be.
There are few things that are more stressful than forgetting things. Remember that your mind will be juggling a million thoughts during your move. Take some of that weight off by making lists!
If you want to stay organized and clear headed during your move, try writing lists for:
1. Keeping track of everyone involved in your move.
Keep in mind that your move is usually reliant or dependent to one degree or another on the people around you. Keeping everything organized and keeping track of your communication with each person involved in your move will ensure that there are no miscommunications and confusion.
Your list may look something like this:
- Reminder: Speak With Neighbours & Roommates.
Speak to your neighbours or roommates beforehand about when the moving company will be coming. The moving truck may block access to your neighbour’s garage, or generate more sound in the building than usual. It is important that the other people impacted by your move are aware in advance to avoid any issues.
- Reminder: Contact the Building Manager
It’s important to contact the building manager to ensure that you are not missing any important information.Your apartment building may have an elevator that is broken, electricity maintenance or more that could impact the move.
- Reminder: Confirm Details With the Moving Company
Keep very good communication with the moving company. It is essential that you are both on the same page to avoid any moving day confusion.
- Reminder: Speak With Friends & Family.
Keep close communication with your friends and family. Having support is a good way to keep your stress under control. Loved ones that are there to help us will not carry the same stress as you about your move, listen to them when they try to hint to you that you need a break. They can also help with the moving process if you remember to ask!
2. Keeping Track of Your Expenses.
Moving can be expensive, and it’s important that you stay conscious of your budget. It can be easy to get carried away when it comes to moving expenses, but if you begin budgeting in advance and keeping track of what you are spending, you may be able to avoid the financial stressors. You may want to make a list of:
- Any costs related to leaving a lease early or damage on your property.
- The costs of your damage deposit on your new home, as well as first month’s rent.
- Moving company costs.
- Cost of boxes and other packing items.
- Cleaning costs for the old and new home.
- Costs for getting your systems set up in your new home such as internet or tv.
- Money lost from missing work for the move.
- Babysitter or pet sitter costs during the move.
As well as
- How much you are getting back from your damage deposit.
- Money received from the sale of a home or any furniture sales.
3. Keeping Track of Any Miscellaneous Tasks You Need to Complete Prior to the Move.
As soon as you remember that you need to complete a task prior to the move, write it down. There can be a lot of planning involved in moving, and writing it down will help you stay on track. Some examples of miscellaneous tasks:
- Setting up the moving company.
- Finding out what date you can begin moving your stuff into your new home.
- Scheduling a babysitter or a pet sitter for moving day.
- Organizing what you are going to do for food on the day of the move.
- Remembering to get cleaning supplies to clean your home once the items are gone.
- Remembering to return the key to the landlord or new buyers.
You may come up with more tasks that aren’t included in the lists above, and when you do write them down! Each time you cross off a task, you will feel slightly relieved and closer to your goal of a stress-free move.
Overstimulation leads to stress, make sure you give yourself the time and space to digest all the changes that are happening. Be intentional about taking breaks, and try your best not to overload your brain!
A good way to ensure that you have enough time to take breaks throughout your move is by planning everything in advance and leaving room for error. Rushing the move is a sure-fire way to make your heart race. If it is possible, give yourself as much of a time cushion as you can from the day you plan to move to the time everything to be settled.
Plan to do something you enjoy the day before moving day! The night before the big day is one that leaves many of us restless and sleepless. Our minds try to grasp onto anything that may have slipped our attention in the days leading up to the move. You will be much more focused, flexible and calm if the last thing you remember doing before your move is something that made you feel happy.
Also do not forget to plan something you enjoy the day after your move. During times of chaos in our life we need to remember to sprinkle in treats here and there for ourselves to make sure that the memory consists of more than just worry. The end of your move is never the end of your move, there is always something to do after a task is complete. Remember that moving is usually not going to be done in one clean shot. Plan a break to do something that you love once your possessions have all been transported. Refresh yourself and breathe in optimism to prepare yourself for the journey of unpacking and settling.
No matter how much planning goes into your move, unexpected issues may come up. Give yourself some space for changes, don’t cram everything into the night before. If you have everything packed and feel like you are ready to move a couple days before your move, you will have some extra time to digest the big changes that are coming.
If you are able to gain access to your new home early, make a trip only containing small items or clothes. The best way to learn about what sorts of things will affect your move is to start moving items yourself when there is no stress or timeline. Be attentive to your route between the properties. Is there construction along the road that may cause delays for the moving truck? Perhaps you’ll notice issues that may impact the movers on move in day; Is there a far walking distance to the home? Are there height restrictions? Are there tight hallways? By walking in the footsteps of your movers beforehand, you will become aware of any potential challenges and avoid unnecessary surprises on the day of the move.
Another proactive tip for moving is deciding what you are going to eat the day of the move as well as the morning after! Your kitchenware will be packed away and you will likely be too busy to cook anyways. Plan some pre-made meals with cutlery packed separately, or decide if you are going to order food. You do not want to become cranky due to hunger and so it is important that you are proactive.
A tired brain is a reactive brain. There is nothing more calming and grounding than giving your mind and body rest. Try your very best to get as much sleep as possible during the times where you will have to give the most of yourself. Without rest you will not receive information efficiently and you will react negatively to things a lot easier than someone who is well rested.
If possible, do not lose possession of your old home the day that you gain possession of your new home. This will reduce the stress around making mistakes, which will help you rest worry-free.
There is a whole lot that goes into moving, from the months leading up to the big day to the weeks following the chaos. Try your best to be open and receptive to changes! The unknown brings stress with it, but to reduce that stress be okay with the fact that everything may not go as you planned.
Despite the uncertainty of moving, you can follow the steps in this article to give yourself the best chance of a stress-free move. As stressful as moving can be, it can also be very exciting if you are prepared and in the correct mindset.
If you found these tips for moving helpful, or you would like any help with your future move, feel free to reach out to us here!